India’s central bank will soon issue a new Rs 10 note in chocolate brown colour. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has already printed 1 billion pieces of the new note, Livemint reported quoting sources. Further, the new note will bear the picture of Konark Sun Temple.
The design received the go-ahead from the government last week, said the two of the people cited earlier. Earlier in 2005, the central bank had changed the design of the old Rs 10 note. In August-17, RBI had introduced the new Rs 200 and Rs 50 notes under the Mahatma Gandhi series. The move is aimed at achieving RBI’s aim to promote a less-cash economy. The central bank had undertaken a slew of measures to move towards a
less-cash economy. Just last month, RBI rationalised the Merchant Discount Rates, with a view to achieving the twin objectives of promoting less-cash economy and ensure all stakeholders do a profitable business.
Value of digital transactions across the country has increased by 80% with the total amount expected to reach Rupees 1,800 crore in 2017-2018, official data suggests. The value of digital payments till October this year was at Rupees 1,000 crore, nearly equal to the value for entire 2016-2017. According to the Ministry of Information Technology, digital payments registered Rs 136-138 crore on an average from June-August keeping on the trend from the beginning of the year.