Malayalam actress Priya Prakash Varrier became an internet sensation overnight with her cute wink in viral song Manikya Malaraya Poovi from the movie Oru Adaar Love. The Communist Party of India (CPI) in Kerala appears to have used Priya Prakash Varrier‘s viral wink to draw workers in the state conference. Party’s youth wing used Priya Prakash Varrier‘s picture in its poster ahead of the conference.

The All India Students Federation (AISF), the students’ wing of CPI, has come up with campaign posters of state conference featuring Priya Prakash Varrier‘s wink. The posters also mimic the design of the movie poster of Oru Adar Love. The posters are placed in several parts of Malappuram district. The AISF, however, said picture of the Malayalam actress is being used to in solidarity with the filmmakers who faced attacks from fundamentalists.

“The controversy regarding the movie and song was unnecessary. The posters are a symbol of resistance as a section of fundamentalists in North India

has come up against Priya and director of the movie. Our poster supports the freedom of expression of filmmakers,” AISF joint secretary P Jamsheer, as reported by Times of India, said.

Some Muslim activists had lodged an FIR against the team of Oru Adaar Love in Hyderabad under Section 295A (hurting religious sentiments) of the Indian Penal Code on February 14. A group in Maharashtra’s Aurangabad also filed a police complaint against Priya Prakash Varrier and film director Omar Lulu on the same grounds. Criminal proceedings against the actress and the maker of the viral song were stayed after Supreme Court’s order on February 21.

The song became a huge hit on the internet within few hours of its release and Priya Prakash Varrier became a heartthrob of many with her wink and mesmerising expressions. In the video song, the actress is seen giving a wink and smiling while flirting with a boy. It is the mischief, innocence and simplicity in the shots that have touched the right chords with viewers.
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