West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday announced launching a protest to demand justice for the Kolkata trainee doctor who was raped and murdered at city's RG Kar College and Hospital. The Chief Minister asked the CBI, which took over the probe from the Kolkata Police, to "ensure justice within next Sunday".

The Trinamool Congress chief said she will hold a rally from Moulali to Dharmtala in Kolkata on August 17.

"I want the accused to be hanged. I hope the CBI will give justice within next Sunday," the Chief Minister said.

On August 12, Mamata Banerjee gave a stern warning to the police that the CBI would be handed the case if the cops are unable to crack the matter by Sunday, August 18.

However, the Calcutta High Court on Tuesday

transferred the probe to the CBI after the victim's parents pleaded for an independent probe.

Speaking at a party event earlier in the day, Mamata Banerjee accused the opposition BJP and CPI(M) of running a malicious campaign against her government.

“What have we not done? What action did we not take? As soon as I came to know of the incident, I spoke to the police commissioner and spoke to the parents (of the woman),” Mamata Banerjee said.

“Instead of standing with the (woman’s) family, CPI(M) and BJP are indulging in cheap politics. They think they can do a Bangladesh here. But let me tell you, I am not greedy for power,” she said.

The Chief Minister said she told the victim's parents that the rapist would be hanged. "And I stick to it," she said.
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