Railways has received 1655 crore rupees from the government for the installation of CCTVs at stations and bio-toilets in trains across the country. Railway Board Chairman AK Mital said, 1155 crore rupees has been given to the railways for installing bio-toilets in trains under Swachh Bharat Mission and 500 crore rupees under Nirbhaya Fund for putting all major stations under CCTV surveilance, for enhancing passenger safety and security.
He said, the CCTV system will enable the railways to keep a watch on unscrupulous elements at rail premises, including trafficking of
children. Mr Mital said, railways has set the target of making the entire network as discharge-free zone by September 2019. He said, apart from cleanliness and environment-friendly effect, the life of tracks will increase by way of reduction in rusting of rails as fitting of bio-toilets will prevent open discharge on the track.
Railway Board Chairman said, 40 thousand bio-toilets are being installed in trains and 30 thousand more will be installed by the end of the current fiscal. He said, all new proposed trains like Tejas, Humsafar will be equipped with bio-toilets.