At least 28 persons, including 10 women, have so far been arrested in connection with the attack on the cavalcade of Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar in Buxar district three days ago. Buxar Superintendent of Police Rakesh Kumar said yesterday that a total of five FIRs have been registered in connection with the incident against 99 named persons and 500 to 700 unnamed ones.
The Chief Minister's convoy was pelted with stones during his tour in Dumraon block as part of his state-wide Vikas Samiksha
Yatra. Although Mr Kumar remained unharmed, many security personnel suffered injuries and a few vehicles in the cavalcade were damaged in the stone-pelting.
Meanwhile, senior RJD leader Jagdanand Singh said the government is trying to suppress voices of poor people. He said the party will not tolerate injustice against poor and Dalits. Opposition RJD has been accused by the ruling JD(U)-BJP combine of being behind the attack criticized the police action following incident