Former Uttar Pradesh chief minister Akhilesh Yadav may have to pay Rs 10 lakh to the government for damaging the official bungalow which he had vacated recently. The estate department has submitted a report to Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's office regarding the damage at the government bungalow which is estimated to be of around Rs 10 lakh.

The 266-page report was filed following Uttar Pradesh Governor Ram Naik's instruction to CM Adityanath to take action against Akhilesh Yadav for reportedly leaving the house in shambles.

According to sources, the report has claimed a loss of Rs 10 lakh and might serve notice to the Samajwadi Party chief to recover the same. Akhilesh had handed over the keys of the official bungalow on Vikramaditya Marg to the UP estates department on June 8

following the Supreme Court's order. The official bungalow was found in a poor state with broken tiles, missing water taps, bathroom fittings and damaged swimming pool.

The Supreme Court had ordered on May 7 that former UP chief ministers cannot retain government accommodation in Lucknow.

The Samajwadi chief, however, had rejected the allegations and said that it was an attempt by the Yogi Adityanath government to mislead the people of the state and tarnish his image.

He had accused the Yogi government of trying to keep the people stuck in petty issues like houses and bungalows, while not remedying the larger problems that are being faced by the people.

He had also offered to buy the things missing from the bungalow and send it to Yogi Adityanath.
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