The 70th Army Day is being celebrated today. Chief of Army staff General Bipin Rawat will review the parade at Cariappa Parde Ground in Delhi Cantonment on this occasion. He will also present gallantry awards.
In his message on the occasion, General Rawat said, the future challenges continue to demand greater commitments from the Indian Army. He said while Army's focus is towards infusion of technology for better capabilities in its weapon system, there is need to upgrade the required training benchmarks for
optimal exploitation of these systems. General Rawat said that Indian Army's bilateral engagements with other armies of the world are increasing and so is military diplomacy gaining ground.
Every year on this day, the ‘Army Day’ is celebrated to commemorate the day when General (later Field Marshal) K.M Carriappa took over the command of Army from General Sir F.R.R Bucher, the last British Commander-in-Chief in 1949 and became the first Commander-in-Chief of Indian Army post Independence.