Telangana assembly on Thursday passed a bill to accord Urdu the status of second official language in the state. Once it becomes law, all state government official correspondence and other orders will have to be issued both in Telugu and Urdu. Chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao had made the announcement in this regard a few days ago. Following that, roads and buildings minister Tummala Nageshwara Rao introduced the bill to amend the state Official Language Act in the assembly on Thursday. 

MIM floor leader Akbaruddin Owaisi expressed pleasure that TRS the government was for recognizing Urdu as second official language in the State.

“We extend thanks to the Chief Minister and TRS

Government for giving due recognition to Urdu as an official language”, he said. “As part of the schemes, now the State government was giving due recognition to Urdu as the second official language and we are thankful for this”, he said. Akbaruddin also extended thanks to Tummala Nageshwar Rao for his statement that Urdu Academy will be revived. 

All political parties, including the BJP, welcomed the decision. Congress deputy floor leader T Jeevan Reddy said the previous Congress government had already announced Urdu as the second official language and it was being implemented in the erstwhile nine districts except Khammam district due to its low Muslim population.

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