BRS working president and former Minister KT Rama Rao urged the State government to fill the vacant posts in Gurukuls by selecting candidates from the next merit list. He also called the Chief Secretary A Santhi Kumari, requesting her to explore all possible solutions and address the issue. He assured all support to the Gurukul job aspirants who met him at his Nandinagar residence here on Tuesday.

The candidates explained that the Gurukul Board’s failure to follow the descending order of merit in filling 9,024 posts had resulted in many top candidates securing multiple jobs, leaving those in the second merit list without opportunities. They requested that the government take immediate steps to fill

these vacancies with candidates from the next merit list, urging the main opposition BRS to pressurise the government in this regard.

The candidates also highlighted that despite the Telangana High Court issuing five interim orders against GO No. 81, the government delayed implementing them, citing the GO as an excuse. They noted that in the past, similar situations were addressed without enforcing GO No. 81, allowing for one-time relaxations to ensure no post remained vacant.

The Gurukul candidates, alongside DSC candidates, appealed to Rama Rao for taking up their cause and ensure justice. They informed that many unemployed individuals across the State are awaiting a fair resolution.
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