TRS working president and Minister KT Rama Rao on Sunday focused on issues with regard to municipal corporations. He held meetings with Ministers Ch Malla Reddy, Koppula Eshwar, Gangula Kamalakar, MLAs Ganesh Bigala and Korukanti Chander at his camp office. TRS general secretary and Telangana State Farmers Coordination Committe chairman Palla Rajeshwar Reddy and the Chief Minister’s political secretary Seri Subhash Reddy were also present.

Compared to municipalities, there is a huge competition within TRS for the party’s Form-B and a large number of aspirants filed their nominations. Ministers and legislators have been asked to take help from the party leaders to convince the rebel candidates to withdraw from the fray before January 14, last date for withdrawal of nominations. “Rather than the Opposition parties, presence of a large number of TRS rebel candidates can dent our winning chances. Utmost care should be taken in giving clarity to people about TRS candidates through intense campaign,” Rama Rao added.

The Minister also wanted the party leaders to create awareness among people about various welfare and development schemes being

implemented by the State government in urban areas. He said special budget allocations were made for municipal corporations of Warangal, Nizamabad and Khammam earlier, and asked the district in-charge Ministers give assurances to develop the newly formed municipal corporations. He said TRS leadership was keen on winning all corporations in the peripheral areas of Hyderabad and there cannot be any laxity on part of the party leaders.

Meanwhile, the TRS working president constituted a nine-member coordination committee for municipal elections which will function from Telangana Bhavan and coordinate with district leaders as well as provide necessary assistance to them in terms of electioneering. The committee members include TRS general secretary Palla Rajeshwar Reddy, Seri Subhash Reddy, Gyadari Balamallu, Mareddy Srinivas Reddy, Bonthu Rammohan, Gattu Ramchander Rao, Dande Vittal, MLCs M Srinvias Reddy and Naveen Rao. The committee members will directly supervise the election preparations of TRS in all urban local bodies (ULBs). They will also counter the allegations made by the Opposition parties on behalf of TRS.

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