Telugu film star Ram Charan is collaborating with celebrated filmmaker Shankar for a pan-India movie, the makers announced on Friday. Produced by Dil Raju, known for backing Telugu hits “Dil”, “Arya”, “Bommarillu”, “Nenu Local”, the yet-untitled film will release in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. Raju said he is elated to team up with Charan and Shankar for the project.
“We are bringing this movie to the pan India audience with a vision of creating cinema that will entertain the masses,” the producer said in a statement.
Taking to Twitter, Ram Charan wrote, "Excited to be a part of Shankar Sir's cinematic
brilliance produced by Raju garu and Shirish garu. Looking forward to #RC15! @shankarshanmugh @SVC_official #SVC50."
Making the announcement, Indian film critic Taran Adarsh tweeted, "BIGGG NEWS... SHANKAR - RAM CHARAN - DIL RAJU TEAM UP... #RamCharan, director #Shankar and producer #DilRaju collaborate for a new film... Not titled yet... Will release in three languages: #Hindi, #Telugu and #Tamil. #SVC50 #RC15"
Besides this film, Charan, 35, will be seen in director SS Rajamouli's much-anticipated period action movie "Rise Roar Revolt" ("RRR") and in a supporting role in his father Chiranjeevi’s Telugu action-drama “Acharya”.
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