Bollywood actor Sonu Sood has once again proved why he's the real Indian Hero. After arranging buses for migrants of Karnataka, the actor has now arranged buses for migrant workers to go to their respective houses in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar & Jharkhand. He emotionally shared that he won't stop till the last migrant worker reaches his respective house. Speaking exclusively to India TV, Sonu got emotional and urged people to "leave everything else, and come out to help these workers reach their homes."

Sonu said to India TV, "These workers have names, we keep calling

them migrants...they made our homes, can't we send them back to their homes? Every step they take on the highway, wouldn't they be thinking that we did so much and built the country over so many years, and we have been forced to do this. It is very important I think everyone has to come forward. You are answerable as a human being, please come out and help all you can to ensure that every single of them reaches their home."

On permission by state governments he said it took him "three days to take permission" but he managed and he will keep doing this till every migrant reaches home.
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