Sona Mohapatra on Saturday morning took to her X (formerly Twitter) handle and slammed music composer and singer Vishal Dadlani for backing the lady CISF officer who allegedly slapped and abused actress-turned-politician Kangana Ranaut. Kangana earlier this week claimed that she was abused by a woman CISF personnel at the Chandigarh airport while during the security check. Following the indident, Vishal shared a post on Instagram under the Stories section and wrote, ''I dont ever support violence, but I absolutely understand this CISF personnel's anger. If any action is

taken against her by the CISF, I will ensure that she has a job waiting for her should she choose to accept it. Jai Hind, Jai Jawaan, Jai Kisaan.''

Now, singer Sona Mohapatra has come forward and slammed Vishal for not taking a stand when she needed it. ''The ‘spine’ includes sitting next to a multiple accused serial molester like Anu Malik on the judges seat & when colleagues like me call him to stand up, speak up,help push back this toxic culture of reality shows - saying paisa kamaake desh se nikalna hai..such a gem I tell you,'' she wrote.
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