Salman Khan recently confirmed being a part of Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathan on Bigg Boss 14. The superstar had said that he will start shooting for the action thriller after he wraps up the controversial reality show. Now, as per a Bollywood Hungama report, the film’s climax will be shot at the top of Burj Khalifa in Dubai and Salman will be joining the lead star cast in the climax. Apart from this, Salman will have other scenes in the film too.
As per a report in Bollywood Hungama, the film's climax, an action sequence, would be shot at the top
of Burj Khalifa in Dubai. Salman Khan will be joining Deepika, SRK and John Abraham in the climax. The superstar also has a few other scenes in the film. The expected time of Salman Khan's cameo in the film is about 20-25 minutes and he will begin shooting this month, for a period of 15 days, the report says.
Talking about Pathan, Salman Khan had said on Bigg Boss 14, "When this show ends, we will move to Pathan, then Tiger (3) and later to Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali. And as eight months will pass, we will be anyway back with Bigg Boss season 15 (sic)."
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