Rajkummar Rao, Janhvi Kapoor and Varun Sharma’s much-awaited film Roohi has finally got a release date. On Monday, the makers of the film announced that the Hardik Mehta directorial will head to theatres on March 11.
Sharing a video, which reveals the vibe of the horror-comedy, Janhvi Kapoor wrote, “Iss Bhootiya Shaadi mein aapka swagat hai! #MagicOfCinemaReturns; movie releases 11th
Welcoming the audience back in theatres, Rajkummar Rao wrote, “Dulhan ki tarah sajenge Theatres. Magar Dulha le jaegi #Roohi! (Theatres will be decked up like a bride but Roohi will take away the groom)”
Roohi is the second film in Dinesh Vijan-produced horror-comedy franchise, which started with Stree in 2018. It has been written by Mrigdeep Singh Lamba and bankrolled by Vijan’s Maddock Films.
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