Priyanka Chopra has been in the news constantly for her next film 'The Bluff'. The global star has finished shooting for 'The Bluff' and she herself has given this information by sharing a picture on her social media platform Instagram. Along with this, Priyanka also captured some memorable moments spent with her husband and singer Nick Jonas after the shooting and shared them with her fans. On which now fans are constantly showering love on her beautiful pictures. Priyanka has recently finished shooting for the film 'The Bluff' in Australia. Just a while ago today, she shared several pictures with Nick, daughter Malti, mother Madhu and other team members of 'The Bluff' on her social media account Instagram and also wrote a long note.

Priyanka shared amazing pictures of herself, Nick Jonas and

Malti from the sets of 'The Bluff' on her Instagram handle. In the caption, she wrote, "The shooting of The Bluff is now over. It is a privilege to do it with my family and the incredible people who made the film possible. It has truly been a labour of love. It would not have been possible without the faith of Frankie E Flowers. It was so much fun to be able to work with the whole team in beautiful Australia with such a talented cast.

However, Priyanka is now back home and has shared many pictures from the sets of 'The Bluff' on social media. Along with this, she has also told her next shooting location as London. As soon as she shared the pictures, fans have started giving their reaction. Many fans liked Malti's voice, while some fans were seen showering love on the pair of Nick and Priyanka.
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