The makers of Prabhas and Pooja Hegde starrer romantic saga 'Radhe Shyam' after much-wait have shared the teaser on the ocasison of Valentine's Day. Written and directed by Radha Krishna Kumar, the surprise was unveiled on Sunday morning hinting at the dreamy love story of the lead pair. The video of the teaser features the 'Baahubali' star showing his romantic side trying to grab Pooja's attention at a train station. In the next fram when the actress asks him if he considers himself Romeo, he says, "I
am not like him. He died for love. I won’t." The release date of the film was also announced today.
Taking to Instagram, Prabhas while sharing the teaser in various languages wrote alongside, "Celebrate the day of love with a Glimpse of #RadheShyam..#ValentinesWithRS Releasing in cinemas on 30th July 2021." While Pooja tweeted, "This Valentines, let us celebrate love with the biggest announcement of the year! Smiling faceTwo hearts #RadheShyam to release in a theatre near you on 30th July!"
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