Bollywood playback singer Neeti Mohan and actor husband Nihaar Pandya on Monday announced they are expecting their first child. The much in love couple took to Instagram to share the good news with their fans, on their second anniversary.
Neeti posted a series of adorable pictures of herself, showing off the baby bump as the pair looked excitedly at the camera. “1+1= 3 Mommy to be & Daddy to be what better day to announce than our second anniversary!!” Neeti wrote alongside the pictures.
Nihaar also posted the same pictures and expressed his love for Neeti. He added in his caption, “Happy Anniversary my Love You make everything worth it!
Soon after the announcement, the couple’s friends from the industry like Shraddha Kapoor, Gautam Rode, Gauahar Khan and Tahira Kashyap congratulated them and sent their best wishes. “Yayyy yayyy yayyy cuties,” wrote Tahira. While musician Vishal Dadlani posted, “Love, love, love.” “Omg congratulations you two… God bless always,” wrote Gauahar. Shraddha commented, “Gb!!! Congratulations you guys.” Actor Gautam Rode, ecstatic at the news, wrote, “Arrey wah Mubarak ho tum dono ko , I mean teeno ko.”
Neeti Mohan’s close friend Harshdeep Kaur, who is also expecting her first child, penned an endearing post, congratulating the couple.
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