Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut took to her Instagram and X profile to react to the recent slap incident. The Manikarnika actor said that she was hit by a CISF female guard after she was going for a security check at Chandigarh airport. Kangana posted the video and revealed that she even asked the guard the reason behind the slap. To which the guard replied that she was a farmer protest supporter and was miffed with Kangana's take on the matter. 

"Hello, friends! I am getting several phone calls from the media and my well-wishers. Firstly I am safe and I am perfectly fine. The accident that happened today at Chandigarh airport was during a

security check. As soon as moved forward, the CISF security guard at the other cabin waited for me to pass by her and then she hit me on my face. She also abused me. When I asked her why she hit me then she said that she is a farmer protest supporter. I am safe but my concern is how are we going to handle the rise of terrorist and extremism in Punjab." said Kangana Ranaut.  

The incident is said to have occurred at around 3.30 pm when Ranaut was at the Chandigarh airport to board flight for Delhi. Mayank Madhur, who was accompanying Kangana, tried to slap Kulwinder Kaur. After this, a complaint was given to the police by Ranaut. 
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