Bajrangi Bhaijaan fans have been waiting for its sequel for three years since Salman announced the project. The script of the sequel will be written by famous director SS Rajamouli's father and writer of the original film, KV Vijayendra Prasad. Fans' excitement about 'Bajrangi Bhaijaan 2' is at its peak. Meanwhile, Kabir Khan, who directed the first film, has shared some honest thoughts about the much-awaited sequel.

When asked about the script or story of 'Bajrangi Bhaijaan 2', Kabir Khan revealed in an interview that nothing is concrete yet. Despite many interesting ideas and concepts to continue the Bajrangi saga, the filmmaker admitted that he currently has no script. He mentioned that 'The Adventures of Bajrangi and Chand Nawab' could be a promising project with many possible directions, but it is currently in the conceptual stage.

'Bajrangi Bhaijaan' was much more than just a film. It was a message of religious harmony and

cross-border understanding. Kabir Khan's clear intention was to address the current state of politics in India through the film. Kabir Khan shared in another interview that he wanted to address the Hindu-Muslim divide and Salman Khan's star power played a key role in bringing these issues to the fore. Salman, who strongly believes in secularism, immediately agreed to be a part of the film, which helped amplify its message.

Even after nine years, 'Bajrangi Bhaijaan' remains a favourite film among Salman Khan fans. Salman himself believes that his father Salim Khan considers his performance in this film to be the best performance of his career. The film also featured Kareena Kapoor Khan and Nawazuddin Siddiqui in important roles. Harshaali Malhotra became an overnight star by playing the character of Munni. However, fans waiting for its sequel will have to be patient as Kabir Khan and his team are working on developing a script that can keep the legacy of the original alive.
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