Salman Khan is set to come up with the third film in the Tiger franchise. To be directed by Maneesh Sharma, Tiger 3 will see Salman romancing Katrina Kaif. According to news reports, Emraan Hashmi has been signed to play the villain in the spy film. Reports claim that Yash Raj Films found Hashmi perfect for the role of the baddie in the film and he is even beefing up to fight Salman Khan. The actors are supposed to start shooting for the film in
Tiger 3 will see Salman Khan reprising his role as a RAW agent, while Katrina Kaif will be seen playing an ISI agent. According to news reports, Emraan Hashmi will play the main antagonist, who will fight Salman Khan in the film. Reports claim that the actor has started preparing for his role and is currently beefing up. They will start filming in March at YRF Studios in Mumbai. After completing a month-long schedule in Mumbai, they will head to shoot in Europe in June.
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