Bollywood actor Sandeep Nahar who rose to fame with Kesari and MS Dhoni: The Untold Story recently took to his Facebook profile and posted a note before taking his life. The actor, who passed away on Monday had posted a video before committing suicide. The police official said Nahar probably made this video around three hours before his death. In the video, the actor revealed that he is going to
commit suicide and the reason behind taking this extreme step. Now, his Kesari co-star Akshay Kumar took to Twitter to mourn the sad demise of Nahar.
In an emotional note, Akshay wrote "Heartbreaking to know about #SandeepNahar’s passing away. A smiling young man passionate for food as I remember him from Kesari. Life’s unpredictable. Please seek help if ever feeling low. Peace for his soul."
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