There has been a lot of buzz about the relationship between Amir Khan's daughter Ira Khan and fitness trainer Nupur Shikhare. Finally, Ira has put an end to all the speculations as she shared some pictures and a romantic post for Nupur on her social media platform. On the occasion of Promise Day, Ira took to her Instagram and shared some adorable pictures. She captioned the pictures, "Its an honour to make promises with and to you... #hi #whaleyoubemine
#myvalentine #buddy #yourebetteratcheesylines #dreamboy."
The pictures scream love. Ira and Nupur can be seen sharing love glances in most of the pictures. The duo is all smiles and looked absolutely adorable together.
Many popular celebrities also commented on the post. Karanvir Bohra wrote, "How sweet, followed with red heart emojis." Fatima Sana Shaikh also dropped red heart emojis and wrote, "Awwww". Utkarsh Gupta left two heart emojis.
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