Bollywood actor Satyajeet Dubey, who was last seen in Sanjay Dutt starrer Prasthanam, took to social media to share that his mother has tested positive for coronavirus. He revealed that she was not feeling well for some days and had a sudden migraine attack, followed by high fever, shivering, vomit and body ache. When he got the basic tests done, heath experts suggested that she should get tested for COVID-19 and her test came out to be positive. Now, the actor has home quarantined himself along with his sister, while their mother is under observation in an isolated ward of Nanavati


Taking to Instagram, Satyajeet wrote, "Last few days have been a little difficult for my Mother, Sister and I. Little because the plight of the people who are our nation's backbone are far bigger, the foot soldiers of our country are going through far worst." He further wrote, "I want to thank all my caring wonderful friends, empathetic neighbours, the BMC, the brave corona warriors and the amazing doctors. Their love and support has been overwhelming."

He also revealed that he and his sister haven't shown any symptoms yet and are asked to isolate themselves. 
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